Potty Training

The shift from diapers to underwear is a significant milestone that evokes a range of emotions for parents. While the prospect of moving out of the diaper phase is appealing, navigating through all the information about potty training can feel daunting- not to mention actually starting the process. This transition often feels much harder for caregivers than for children. Here I address a few common questions.

What is the best age for potty training?

The best age for potty training is whenever the parents are ready!

There are potty related skills that children can learn as soon as they can sit up independently- around 6 months. Once children can stand up on their own, they also have the muscle control to hold their pee and poop- around 12 months. If children already have experience using the potty, they may be ready to wear underwear around 18 months.

When you start potty training at a younger age, the amount of time it takes before you can ditch the diapers is typically longer, but children are in underwear earlier. Conversely, beginning training around ages 2 2/1 or 3 1/2 often results in a quicker overall process, yet children may remain in diapers until slightly older.

Is there anything I need to get for potty training?

You will need underwear, a small potty and/or a child seat for the toilet, and a step stool. It is helpful to have a basket next to the potty area containing extra pants and underwear, wet wipes, toilet paper, and a few books. A travel potty can came in handy as well.

You will not need pull ups for potty training. They are the same as diapers but without the velcro tabs. They are fine if you or your kid likes them instead of diapers, but they are not helpful for transitioning to underwear.

Is there anything I should avoid doing?

My top two recommendations are:

  1. The most important thing to remember is, do not make potty training into a fight or a power struggle.

  2. Once you stop using diapers, don’t bring them back!

Please reach out if you want more information or have questions of your own!


Potty Training: Part Two!


Starting Solids